1. How many lands are ideal?
    1. It depends on the mana curve that you are looking for and how big your deck is.
      1. MTG arena suggests 24 lands
        1. On average this means that you will
TurnLands in HandLands in playNumber if X mana cards needed in deckcumulative # of Cards in deck
124/60 * 7 = 2.83 11/7*60 = 8.69
224/60 * 8 = 3.221/8*60 = 7.517
324/60 * 9 = 3.636.724
542/11*60 = 10.935
752/13 = 9.2 (but only 1, since we need 36 total cards in the deck)36

To test the basic theory of this i put together a mostly creature deck and immediately won a game in ranked at the gold level. This was an exciting victory because I had no other synergy or thought into the deck other than creatures of the ideal mana curve.

If you have an 80 card deck: